Physical Education
At Alexandra Park Primary School, we provide our children with a high-quality Physical Education (PE) curriculum that inspires children. We aim for children to enjoy and engage with PE because of the fantastic benefits that it has on their physical and mental wellbeing. Through PE lessons and enrichment opportunities, children have the chance to express themselves, work collaboratively and develop a variety of skills. Holistically, the PE lessons develop children’s skill and understanding so that they can perform or participate in a game. More specifically, children learn lifelong skills through PE that are transferable to other areas of the curriculum. These skills include communication, problem-solving and determination. Exposing children to different types of dances, gymnastics and sporting activities, enhances their curiosity. This may be the main source of exercise for children so it is important that it is of a high quality. Throughout the school, the curriculum is designed to follow and connect previous learning to ensure children can build and develop their understanding.