Getting help
If you or your family need any additional help or information, please contact your child’s class teacher through seesaw or our SENCO and Wellbeing Lead, Charlotte Millward.
The council has also launched the Emotional Wellbeing Hub on 0161 217 6058, choose Option 2. The Hub offers support and advice to families and a central point of contact so families can discuss any concerns they may have about their child from birth to 25 years old.
Once families have shared their concerns, the Emotional Wellbeing Hub will work with them to provide support or signpost them to the best support options, guidance and available information.
The hub is open to anyone, including carers and professionals. It is part of the council's 'early help' support structure.
Professional help
Different professionals often work together at CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, (formally known as Healthy Young Minds)
CAMHS offer specialist services to children and young people who are experiencing mental health difficulties. They help children and young people up to the age of 18 years and provide assessment and intervention and support to their families/carers. Contact Charlotte Millward in school or your GP for further information.
There are also a range of other organisations that can help:
ChildLine 0800 1111
Young Minds-
School Nurse - 0161 835 6076
Stockport Foodbank - 07483 115349
Contact a Family – for families with disabled children
To support children who have been affected by bereavement -
Family Lives support for families on a range of issues
Start Well Stockport
Epec - Empowering Parents Empowering Communities - parenting courses run by other parents. 0161 406 9558
The Prevention Alliance support with mental and physical health, housing and finance.
The prevention alliance has advice on domestic violence, budgeting, bills, finances, benefits