Early Years Foundation Stage

Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage follow the revised Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, working towards the Early Learning Goals. At the end of Reception, children are assessed using the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile. Children learn with enjoyment and challenge, both within the indoor and outdoor learning environment. The Foundation Stage prepares children for learning in Key Stage 1 and begins to make links with the National Curriculum.

Some children entering our Nursery and most children entering our Reception classes will have already experienced some form of pre-school education. In our EYFS we aim to build on these experiences by providing a well-planned and well-resourced curriculum. Purposeful play is a very important part of this curriculum and is a key way in which children learn with enjoyment and challenge. By providing a variety of learning experiences, we aim to help all children develop a positive attitude towards their learning within a caring environment. We recognise that parents are children’s first educators and we therefore seek to develop an effective partnership between home and school.

Start Well brings together services that work with families to support children’s development from pre-birth to 5 years and help them to get ready for school. Start Well works together with different services to make sure that your child receives the right support at the right time to help their development.
