
The Governing Body has a number of duties and responsibilities towards all its stakeholders – pupils, staff, parents, the local authority and the wider community.

The role includes:

Educational Standards
  • Ensuring the school fulfils the legal requirements of the education system
  • Setting challenging but achievable educational targets
  • Ensuring the school is adequately resourced and that its resources are utilised properly and creatively
  • Ensuring all pupils receive an excellent, well-rounded education academically, morally and socially so that they can move forward into the world, fully equipped for the next stage of their learning
  • Developing a vision for the school and setting its strategic aims
  • Establishing the values that the school is expected to meet and maintain
  • Acting as critical friends – monitoring and evaluating performance and progress towards the school’s priorities and targets, supporting staff and challenging their expectations
  • Relationship with Stakeholders
Relationship with Stakeholders
  • Accountability – ensuring that the school is accountable to the children and parents it serves, to its local community, to those who fund and maintain it, as well as the staff it employs
  • Maintaining a close relationship with parents and the local community
  • Caring for the welfare and well-being of staff and pupils

The Governing Body seeks to fully represent the local community and is drawn from four groups:

  • Local Authority Governor (1): local people appointed by the local authority (Stockport Council)
  • Parent Governors (4): elected by the parents of the pupils at the school. A Parent Governor usually has a pupil attending the school.
  • Staff Governor (1): representing staff at the school and elected by their colleagues.
  • Headteacher (1) Head Teacher is on our Governing Body
  • Coopted Governors (6): co-opted by the Governing Body, these governors either have close links with the local community or bring with them specific skills or expertise that the Governing Body feels are required. Sometimes a Community Governor satisfies both criteria.
  • Associate Members (4) – these members of the Governing Body have been appointed for their specific expertise. They do not have voting rights.

The Governing Body at Alexandra Park aims to be a cohesive and professional team who use their skills and experience to work in partnership with the staff and parents and share the commitment that Alexandra Park Primary School should provide the best possible education for its pupils. The  Governing Body consists of a Teaching and Learning Committee, a Resources Committee and a Steering Group.  The minutes and proceedings of the Governing Body are available for reference at the school. Members of the Governing Body are always willing to discuss school matters. They can be contacted via the School Office.

Governing Body

Mrs Anne Trafford
Chair of Governors (LA Rep)

Mrs Anne Trafford


Chair of Governing Board & Staff and wellbeing Governor

Member of Teaching and learning sub-committee
and Finance and Premises Committee

Term of office

I have been chairing the governing body since the two schools (Infant and Junior) merged in 2009 to become a two-form entry Primary. I was the chair of governors for the Junior school prior to that. I have been a governor for over twenty years and have seen many changes in education. I am Chair of the management committee of GOVAS Stockport which is a fully independent association of governors affiliated to the National Governors Association. I attend the chairs briefing provided by SMBC each term and make good use of the governor training provided.
I am retired and worked as a Health, Safety and Environmental Adviser at the research site of an agrichemical company. When I stopped working, I became a volunteer adviser for Citizens Advice Stockport.
I am proud of my association with Alexandra Park and its aspirational and ambitious culture of both staff and pupils. Education that inspires is the most important gift we can give to children.
One of my daughters has taught at the school and two of my grandchildren attend as pupils, another has moved on to senior school. 

Mrs Julia Hewer
Deputy Chair of Governors

Mrs Julia Hewer


Chair of Finance and Premises Committee

Member of Teaching and learning sub-committee
and Finance and Premises Committee

Term of office

22.11.2022 - 22.11.2026

After my second term of office as a parent governor I became co-opted on to the governing body at Alexandra Park Primary School. I currently have one child at the school, the elder one has moved on to senior school. I am heavily involved in supporting the fundraising and social events that happen through the school’s Parents and Friends Group.
Since graduating from university with a degree in accounting and social policy, I have always worked in the voluntary sector. Most of this time has been within Stockport based organisations. I am now the deputy director of Signpost Stockport for Carers, an organisation that supports anyone who has an unpaid caring role for a relative or friend, including young carers from the age of 6 years old.
I am passionate about ensuring that all children have opportunities and experiences that will help them to see and achieve their full potential, despite the challenges and difficulties that they may face. My hope is that, through playing an active and involved role on the governing body of Alexandra Park, I will be able to support the staff, parents and carers to achieve this for all of our children. I would also like to play a real part in ensuring that our school, and each one of our students, is inclusive, caring and ambitious.

Mr Phil Brooke

Mr Phil Brooke



Member of Teaching and learning sub-committee
and Finance and Premises Committee

Term of office

Not applicable

My teaching career began when I worked as an English teacher, and teacher trainer, for Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) in a very beautiful, remote province of China.
I am passionate about providing the children at our school with the highest levels of care and education. I believe if we can achieve this as a school then we can improve the life chances of every child at our school.
Throughout my career I have looked for opportunities to challenge myself and improve my own learning. I have worked as a Specialist Maths Teacher; a Mastery Specialist Teacher for the NCETM; and have completed my Masters Degree in Education. This desire to learn is very important to me, and I am very fortunate to work at a school with colleagues who share the same desire to help children through continually improving their own, and other’s practice.

Mrs Claire Williams
Co-opted Governor

Mrs Claire Williams


Deputy Headteacher

Member of Teaching and learning sub-committee

Term of office

1st November 2018-31st October 2022

I am the Deputy Head Teacher at Alexandra Park Primary School. I am passionate about our school providing the best care and opportunities for all our families and school staff. Our school values of Care, Aspire, and Achieve are at the heart of everything we do as a school, including the work of the governing body.
I have been a teacher for 15 years and have had a varied career. I have taught in every year group as a class teacher and have held a range of leadership roles prior to joining Alex Park including SENDCO (Special Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator); Maths Lead across four schools; ECT (Early Career Teacher) and SCITT (School Based Initial Teacher Training) lead. I am also a Professional Development Lead and Mastery Specialist Teacher for the NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics.) This role involves working on national projects to develop teaching and learning in mathematics across the country - working with groups of schools and leading TRGs (Teacher Research Groups). As well as this work, I have contributed to published teaching materials and spoken at conferences for leaders on the teaching of mathematics. Furthermore, I am a Specialist Leader of Education for Mathematics and have worked extensively with over 100 schools supporting and developing the leadership of maths teaching and subject leadership.

I am also the director of our EEF (Education Endowment Foundation) Research School. This role involves delivering training, supporting schools across Greater Manchester and Cheshire and working with our Headteacher and Research Lead in school to develop our evidence-based approach to school improvement at Alex Park. My specialisms include early reading, communication and language, early maths, disadvantaged and vulnerable leaners and effective implementation.

My role in school is interesting and varied, I provide strategic leadership and management in all areas of the school. Alongside teaching across the school and my deputy headship role I also work closely with the governing body to ensure our school values of Care, Aspire and Achieve are promoted, developed and lived throughout the school. I love the fact, that due to the nature of my role, no day is ever the same. I am fortunate that I work across the school, leading CPDL (Continuing Professional Development and Learning), supporting ECTs, working in TRGs, working with children and their parents.

Mrs Charlotte Millward
Staff Governor

Mrs Charlotte Millward


School SENCO & Personal Support learning Governor

Member of Teaching and learning sub-committee
and Finance and Premises Committee

Term of office

1st November 2018-31st October 2022

I am the SENDCO (Special Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator); and Designated Safeguarding Lead at Alexandra Park Primary School. I am passionate about inclusion and ensuring that our school provides the very best levels of care and opportunities for all our children. Our school values of Care, Aspire, and Achieve are at the heart of everything we do as a school, including the work of the governing board.
I have been a teacher for 12 years and have taught in two different Stockport Schools. I have mainly taught in KS2 and prior to joining the team at Alexandra Park, I was the Lower Key Stage 2 Phase Leader. Since joining this school I have achieved the NASENCO award. My role at school is interesting and varied. I lead a Pastoral team and coordinate a wide range of support for children with varied and sometimes complex needs. Our Pastoral Team offer a wide range of interventions out of our Nurture Room including Drawing and Talking Therapy, Lego Based Therapy and Social Skills groups. I coordinate provision across the school for children with an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) and help teachers to ensure that our children on the SEND register receive tailored support.
My role as Designated Safeguarding Lead is absolutely key to ensuring that our children are safe. Key to this role is working well with other professionals and information sharing as well as working with our families to offer timely support. I feel very lucky to be in a position where I can help support the children, our staff and our families.

Dr Hannah Matthews
Parent Governor

Dr Hannah Matthews


Chair of Teaching and learning sub-committee

Member of Teaching and learning sub-committee
and Finance and Premises Committee

Term of office

17 November 2021 - 16th November 2025

I have been a parent governor since 2017 and I am the Chair of the Teaching and Learning committee. I am also a member of the Resources committee.

Both my son and daughter attend Alexandra Park and I am very proud of their progress since starting at the school, especially regarding the support and education that is provided.

For five years I worked for Stockport Council as their Sustainability Policy Officer. I worked with many schools across the borough to promote environmental and social education. I was a trained Eco Schools assessor and I also worked closely with the Stockport Fairtrade Group, setting up Stockport Fairtrade Schools Scheme.

I have been involved in the teaching profession since 2001. I am currently a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Management at Manchester Metropolitan University. I have also taught Geography and Science subjects in schools across Stockport and Greater Manchester. Three of my undergraduate students from the University are currently undertaking research projects in the school looking into healthy food choices and improved student outcomes e.g. behaviour, attainment, health etc.

Mrs Emma Harris
Co-opted Governor

Mrs Emma Harris


Co-opted Governor 

Term of office

11 March 2021 to 10 March 2025

Emma is a parent at the school and a Senior Partnership Manager with the charity ‘Governors for Schools’. She is also a governor at another local school. Emma is keen to support this fantastic school by working collaboratively with the rest of the governing board. She has a particular interest in inclusion and careers provision.
I feel that governors can have a real impact on improving children’s experience of education and want to be part of delivering that at Alexandra Park Primary. I’m passionate about children receiving a well-rounded experience, raising their aspirations, and equipping them to become global citizens. I think every child at Alex Park can make a positive contribution to the world and their time at our school will give them the skills and drive to do that.

Natasha King
Governor Support Officer

Natasha King

Member of Stockport Governor Services

Dr Catriona Tate
Parent Governor

Dr Catriona Tate


Member of Teaching and learning sub-committee
and Finance and Premises Committee

Term of Office 

17 November 2021 - 16th November 2025

I’m a newly appointed parent governor, and I would like to contribute more to the school, which is at the heart of our local community, and has worked with all of the parents to care for our children through lockdowns and periods of isolation. I am keen to support promoting the key values of Care, Aspire and Achieve to provide every child with the best chance to do well.

I intend to use my personal experience as a parent alongside my professional skills in decision making, project management, information governance and data analysis developed through my background in scientific and clinical research, including roles with key Manchester institutions such as the University of Manchester, Wythenshawe Hospital and the Christie.

I have a disability, multiple sclerosis, and my current work focuses on rare genetic disorders, so I am particularly interested in ensuring that Alexandra Park supports disabled children and family members, as well as providing excellent support to the local community as a whole, as we have seen throughout the Covid pandemic.

The current generation of children have missed out on a lot of external activities due to the pandemic, and I will work to identify opportunities for them to have exciting experiences and to meet inspiring people.

Mr Ryan Walker
Parent Governor

Mr Ryan Walker


Member of Teaching and learning sub-committee
and Finance and Premises Committee

Term of Office  

17 November 2021 - 16th November 2025

This is my first term as Parent Governor (joining in December 2021) and I am very keen to play an active role in the continued success of the school. I have a son who started in Reception in September 2021 and I have been very impressed with the development he has made along with how well he has settled in. This has been aided by the high level of commitment and support provided by all staff members. As such, I am excited to be part of, and contribute to, the wider success of the school in the coming months and years ahead.

I have worked within Investment Banking roles for the last 10 years and currently work in a client outcome and strategy role focused on delivering positive outcomes for clients. My role is also very much ‘purpose’ driven with the aim of helping business’, families and communities thrive. As such, my primary focus has been to build strong and effective partnerships and drive innovation to achieve this. I want to bring these tools into my role as Parent Governor by both helping and challenging the school to help in its continued success.

Victor Mariano
Co-opted Governor
Leanne Ashton-Smith
Catherine Yearley